Minggu, 19 Februari 2017

Ustad Azhari Mohamed Visited RAYMUA

Praise be to Allah the Most High, it's only n only His Blessings that I am gathered again with my 45 orphans housed at Rumah Anak Yatim Makanul Ubudiah Aceh (RAYMUA), Kampung Sibreh, Aceh Besar.

Touched down at 8.30 am today, met with RAYMUA's Head Bapak Muallim Ibrahim and went straight down to business in the orphanage.

May our sincere effort to sustain the life and education of our 45 orphans continue to strengthen our humility and sincerity. Along the way i.e. in acquiring all the assistance we could garner, we learn of many stripes of trial and challenges. And it is just a nettle's pain that would only resolve and double our efforts insya Allah.

This will be into the 10th year we are together with the orphans, seeing innocent amd naive faces come and go as they aged into adulthood, they are prepared in RAYMUA for what will beckon them in life, once they set foot into the real world.

Please savour the pictures of the orphans going thru their talaqi-style 'pondok' classes tonite. May Allah ta'ala grant them the ease of to acquire the meaningful 'ilm.

We are reminded by Rasulullah s.a.w. exhortation that those who looks after the wellbeing of the orphans would be raised next to him in the day of Judgment, Aamiin.

with Pengasuh Rumah Anak Yatim

Orphans had breakfast before go to school

Orphan  weekly activities reading surah yasin every Friday night

Orphan  weekly activities reading surah yasin every Friday night

new Balee infront of office building

Uztad Azhari relax in balee

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"Barangsiapa mengambil anak yatim dari kalangan Muslimin, dan memberinya makan dan minum, Allah akan memasukkannya ke surga, kecuali bila is berbuat dosa besar yang tidak terampuni.( HR. Turmudzi)